You Should Know Before
Camping on Cape Cod:

Are you curious to learn a little more about Camping on Cape Cod at North of Highland Camping Area?
Below we have compiled a few figures and facts that will provide a unique look at Cape Cod and North of Highland Camping Area as measured by some of our “NUMBERS”:
# of Cape Cod CAMPSITES at North of Highland Camping Area:
Most of our longtime camper guests even have a hard time believing we have so many beautiful Cape Cod campsites at our campground.
Total Size of Our Campground is almost 58 ACRES:
Our private Cape Cod campsites are spread across more than 58 ACRES of pine forest, completely surrounded by the Cape Cod National Seashore with campsites nestled into the natural contour of the land. We don’t have “cookie cutter” sites packed into even rows like some other Cape Cod campgrounds. Some of our more remote Cape Cod campsites are accessed by short walking paths through the pines, but most are fully accessible by car.
The YEAR that North of Highland First Opened for Business:
North of Highland was founded several years before the Cape Cod National Seashore first came into existence, with the goal of providing exceptional tenting near the ocean beaches of North Truro, MA.
We Are Now On Our 3rd GENERATION of Currier Family Members, Owning and Operating these Scenic Cape Cod Campsites:
North of Highland Camping Area was originally founded and run by Malcolm & Evelyn Currier. In 1984 their son Stephen and his wife Anita Currier and their family moved to the campground on Cape Cod, running the campground for 30 years, before turning over the management of North of Highland Camping Area to their two sons Gregory Currier and Brandon Currier prior to the 2015 season. Now Greg and Brandon ,with the help of their own families, carry on the tradition of owning and managing North of Highland as the premier location for tent camping on Cape Cod within walking distance to the beach.
We Are Only a HALF-Mile WALK to the Ocean BEACHES Near the Tip of Cape Cod:
Beautiful Head of the Meadow Beach is only a few minutes walk from our Cape Cod campsites. Simply follow the sandy beach path through the Cape Cod National Seashore.
We Have FOUR SECTIONS FOR CAMPING in the Campground:
Each camping area section has its own restroom facilities building complete with flush toilets, sinks, drinking water spigots, drinking bubblers, and outdoor showers to rinse off after spending a relaxing day at the nearby Cape Cod beaches.
Since We Are Only About EIGHT MILES to Nearby WELLFLEET & PROVINCETOWN Camping at North of Highland is the Most Convenient Location for Camping on Cape Cod, MA:
You can quickly drive or bike into Truro, P-Town or Wellfleet for excellent restaurants & unique shopping or art galleries, while still getting to enjoy all of Truro’s naturual beauty and tranquility. Our location near the “tip of Cape Cod” is the ideal location to stay for easy access to all of the best Cape Cod attractions.
ONE PICNIC TABLE is Provided on Every One of Our Cape Cod Campsites:
Please leave the picnic table in your site, even if you are sharing campsites with friends.
TENS of THOUSANDS of TREES Are Growing Throughout our Campground:
When you are camping on Cape Cod MA at North of Highland you will be surrounded by nature. Many of these trees are Cape Cod’s famous scrub pine trees, that have been gnarled and twisted through countless Cape Cod winter winds. Not only do these pines provide shade and beauty to our Cape Cod campsites, but their pine needles provide an attractive ground cover. Together the trees and pine needles greatly enhance the overall character of the Cape Cod landscape.
Our 24 HOT showers are centrally located near our main parking area in Area 1, next to the Laundromat and Recreation Building. Be sure to bring along a few quarters, as our hot showers are coin operated, providing about 7 minutes of hot water for each 25-cent quarter in order to help encourage water conservation here on Cape Cod. Of course, if you want to enjoy an especially leisurely warm shower every now and then, you are always welcome to just add a few more quarters.
We Have ONE Enormous FIREPLACE in Our Recreation Building:
Face it, who doesn’t enjoy a nice fireplace! Ours makes the campground recreation building an especially inviting place to gather around with friends in the evenings or to help dry-out and warm up whenever it rains while camping on Cape Cod, MA.
# of PING PONG TABLES in Our Recreation Building:
Have fun playing ping pong or foosball in the rec hall. We supply Ping Pong Paddles and Balls for free in our camp store (or in the camp office when the store is closed). There is a small deposit of just $2 required, that is refunded when the items are returned.
# of BILLIARD POOL TABLES in Our Recreation Building:
We have TWO pool tables and plenty of benches and picnic tables so you can hang out with friends over a game of pool or cards while camping on Cape Cod MA. The recreation building is open daily from 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM.
Our QUIET HOURS BEGIN at 10:30 PM and Last Until 7:30 Each Morning:
We strictly enforce our campground quiet hours so that you and your guests can get a good night’s rest while camping on Cape Cod!
We allow a Maximum of just FOUR ADULTS on each of our Cape Cod Campsites:
This policy helps us to ensure the campground remains a quiet and peaceful place to relax and enjoy your vacation without our guests being overrun by large groups of rowdy neighbors. Encouraging campers to spread themselves apart on separate campsites really does help keep our campground quieter and more beautiful. Of course families can have additional children accompanying them on their sites as long as there is enough space for the tents and equipment.
Most of the Cape Cod coastline is one continuous stretch of sand beach. Many of our guests choose to return to stay with us each year. Frequently these guests tell us that Truro has some of the very finest pristine beaches on the East Coast. We hope you will coming camping on Cape Cod with us, so that you can begin to explore Cape Cod’s beaches and coastline for yourself.
Many don’t realize that the Pilgrims first landed near the tip of Cape Cod in Provincetown Harbor before eventually sailing on to Plymouth, MA. The Pilgrims spent their first few weeks in and around Truro and Provincetown. It is believed that they may have found their first fresh water in “the new world” at the nearby Pilgrim Springs. This small spring just North of the campground is accessible by a trail leading off of the Head of the Meadow Bike Path within the National Seashore.
SEVEN LIGHTHOUSES Still in Operation on Cape Cod:
Nearby Highland Light in North Truro is the oldest of Cape Cod’s 7 active lighthouses. The shifting sandbars of Cape Cod, especially along the coast of Truro were particularly treacherous for ocean going vessels during winter storms, leading early navigators to name the Truro coast “Dangerfield.” You can enjoy the swimming or surfing in the waves breaking along these same sandbars, or occasionally you can even explore some of the shipwreck remains along Truro’s sandbars at low tide. One of the popular Cape Cod attractions is touring Highland Light and climbing the lighthouse steps for a dramatic 360 degree view from the top.
5.25 Million
Over 5.25 MILLION VISITORS Come to Cape Cod Each Year:
Most visitors come for the pristine Cape Cod beaches and to explore Cape Cod’s beautiful natural landscape. What better way to totally experience Cape Cod than to come camping on Cape Cod, MA at North of Highland Camping Area where you are completely surrounded by all of the natural beauty of The Cape Cod National Seashore and are still within only a short walk to Head of the Meadow Beach in North Truro. Cape Cod campsites don’t get any better than this.
Come join us at North of Highland!